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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Flyboy Bonus Comic—Page 17

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Flyboy Bonus Comic—Page 17 published on 89 Comments

Alright-y, then! Get ’em, Cory!

Over on the Patreon Page, $5+ backers got to see some more awesome Spooky Jones pin-up art — this time featuring him using his powers! (He’s more than just a pretty face, y’know… 😉 ) Comments so far have included: “Wow this is really gorgeous.”, “It looks like it would make a great wallpaper, with the mystical ball & chain.” and “WOW! This is really cool! The colouring really gives it an ethereal, eldritch quality, and the detail on those golems is incredible.” Eagle-eyed readers might even recognize his adversaries from an earlier Powers Card pin-up… 🙂

Here’s a sneak preview of that pin-up:


Kick ass, Spooky!

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So! Cory is taking a stand to protect his brother! What is he going to do? Is this what finally stops Ivan? And most importantly, how did he get that oh-so-fashionable tear in his jeans?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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