There have been many WOAHs in this Interlude. But this is ultimate WOAH. The WOAH-pitome. The WOAH-ne-plus-ultra. There shall be no more WOAHS. Your time of WOAH is over.
I got a groovy piece of Fan Art from geekypnai for my birthday this week! It’s called “Yaoi 911 crew” and includes all your favorite characters from my webcomics, swarming around my head. It’s very cool and you should check it out. Thank you so much, geekypnai!
We had our fourth bonus page in a row on Wednesday! And thanks to your generous donations, there will be another bonus page on May 8th (page 11!), yet another bonus page on Wednesday, May 15th (page 13!) and look below! We’re already at $92 towards the bonus page after that!
Special thanks, a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporters Nial Z., Kyle F. & Marie V. for their generous donations over the last few days!
Big hugs go out to long-time friends of The Young Protectors joshua G., Robert B. & Marc B. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes Marc’s seventh, Robert’s thirteenth (!!) and joshua’s fourteenth (!!!) super-generous donation to this comic!
Thank you all so, so much for your generous support!
All righty! Looks like our guys saw something on the screen that provoked a big reaction! I’d say it had to be the AWESOME art Adam and Vero created for that last panel, but unless space-time is more wibbly-wobbly than I’ve been lead to believe, I imagine that’s an impossibility.
So, I wonder what it could be! Do you think we’ll get to find out on Wednesday? Oh, I bet we will!
Hope to see you there!
DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! Edit 5/3/13 10:50 PM: WHAM! BAM! POW! You’ve done it again! Thanks to your generous donations, we’ve yet again tipped over the donation bar, so that means that in addition to our next bonus page on May 8th (page 11!), and another bonus page on Wednesday, May 15th (page 13!), there will be yet another bonus page on May 22nd (page 15!) WOO HOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU ARE AWESOME! Hope to see you there!
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