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The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 15

The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 15 published on 36 Comments on The Young Protectors: Fallen Chapter One—Page 15

How could anyone say “no” to those puppy dog eyes?

Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

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Link to preview page (page 16) for $5+ Patrons:


It’s my great pleasure to send out another, very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to the superheroes of this comic who have been supporting our work month after month!

I’d like to send out a big thank you to members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting our work for 24 months of this week (Oct 25-31):

Szymon B., Drew D., Matthew K., Xavier M., Alison P., Heather P. and Jordan W.

(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Szymon, Drew, Matthew, Xavier, Alison, Heather and Jordan!)

And a heroic thank you as well as for Woolfpack members who have been supporting our work for 36 months of this week (Oct 25-31):

Chas C., Jessica D., Christopher J., Randall K., Jesus Jun P. and William T.

(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Chas, Jessica, Christopher, Randall, Jesus Jun and William!)

And let me also send out my biggest howl to a member of the Woolfpack who has been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!

Here is the awesome reader who has been supporting me and this comic for 60 months (5 years!) as of this week (Oct 25-31):

Matthew B.

Thank you so much, Matthew! You are so awesome!

Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!

(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)


So! Mati and Pati are ready to send Cory packing! But Karthak just can’t let him go!

Will Karthak’s parents be willing to break their boy’s heart just to keep their home clean? And, if so, what will become of Cory? (He doesn’t even seem able to stand on his own two feet!)

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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Comments From The Young Protectors Community

  1. Avatar for Nate Nate says:

    I don’t know, he seems to be pretty good at the Puppy Dog Eyes™…

  2. That last panel is going to be one of my favorites.
    It’s like “I’m just lovin’ my new puppy”

    And can I add… “Eve if he’s as big as the house”

  3. You might have discovered Karthak’s super power.


  4. Avatar for dswxyz dswxyz says:

    Well, if they do let Karthak keep Cory, he’ll have to keep him in the whatever enclosure they normally keep the sheep in. And I wonder what other livestock they might have. What if they also have a gaggle of geese? Cory, how good are you at Angry Birds?

  5. Panel 4 is so satisfying lmao, he finally said The Thing :joy: I’m with Karthak anyway! At least Cory will be safer here than out in the wilds. Maybe not by much, but I’d say these folks are infinitely preferable to Kokomogos. then again, maybe the Kokomogos are easier to fight…

  6. I’m glad you’re finding that last panel satisfying, Julia. Just what I hoped. :slight_smile:

    And I think your initial instincts are correct. Kokomogos would be harder to defeat in a fight. But would Cory really be willing to fight adorable Karthak?

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