Fresh plans are the best plans.
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Your continued support has always been the reason I’ve been able to continue making this comic. And I am especially grateful to our readers who continue to support this comic month-after-month during this time. Thank you for letting me continue to create these pages. Thank you for being the real superheroes of this comic.
And so, I hope everyone will please join me in wishing a very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to those Patrons who have been supporting our work for a year or more!
First let me thank a pack member who has been supporting our work for the last 12 months as of this week (Dec 20-26):
Angelo S.
(You totally rock, Angelo!)
I’d like to send out a big thank you to a member of the Woolfpack who has been supporting our work for 24 months of this week (Dec 20-26):
Nicolas TA.
(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Nicolas!)
A huge thank you as well as for a Woolfpack member who has been supporting our work for 36 months of this week (Dec 20-26):
Robert D.
(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Robert!)
And a heroic thank you as well as for a Woolfpack member who has been supporting our work for 48 months of this week (Dec 20-26):
Cyrus A.
(Four years of support! Thank you so much, Cyrus!)
And let me also send out my biggest howl to a member of the Woolfpack who has been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!
Here is the awesome reader who has been supporting me and this comic for 60 months (5 years!) as of this week (Dec 20-26):
Gregory K.
Thank you so much, Gregory! You are so awesome!
Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!
(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)
So! They’ve spotted Daniela! And Amanda’s life-signs detector has registered some pings, but no one invisible. Now, Flyboy is looking to Amanda to lead the team, but she’s not having it.
What is this plan Spooky has just come up with? And will it require Amanda to call the cavalry?
We’re taking Christmas off, so tune in next Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀
Happy Holidays, everyone!
“Charge in, grab the kid, and run like hell”?
Honestly, this couldn’t be more of a trap if it was a nun named Bridget… I’m betting that’s not even the real Daniela, but someone under a glamour. Admiral Ackbar is already warming up.
On a totally unrelated note, I remember how disappointed I was as a kid when I first looked through real binoculars and didn’t see that shape…
If it’s Spooks in this incarnation, the plan should be a hell of a blowout! HA!
Called it!
Aren’t they?
Excited to what out what Mah Boyyy’s fresh plan is, I bet it’s spicy~
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!!!
Ha! That’s awesome.
Wait for it.
Happy holidays, Julia!