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The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter Three—Page 49

The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter Three—Page 49 published on 49 Comments on The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter Three—Page 49

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Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

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Carlos, ChainLynx, Tolbitz ironside, Taj M., Connor T. and Carlos V.

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Michael V.

(Thank you so much, Michael!)

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So! Flyboy has made his choice. He’s listening to his heart. He’s all in. And from what I can see of Spooky’s expression in the last panel, he’s all in too.

Are our heroes making the right decision? What will the consequences be? Will love conquer all — even the space-time continuum?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

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Comments From The Young Protectors Community

  1. I see film posters in the background of the last panel reminding us that something “film noir” is about to happen. We haven’t seen film noir posters and circumstances in pages and their sudden appearance cannot be chance.

  2. I’ve been wondering when Flyboy’s arm will start glowing again or something rather inopportune to ruin the moment.

  3. Avatar for Klaus Klaus says:

    So Spooky does not always insist on being on top.

  4. Avatar for Nate Nate says:

    I find Spooky’s eye line suggestive. I think he likes what he sees. :smiley:

  5. Nope, nope, nope. Too much! Overload! May faint when I see the page in color!

  6. Now you’re giving me ideas.

    Not even present-day Spooky.

  7. As rats, I posted that comment on the wrong page

  8. Avatar for dswxyz dswxyz says:

    Yes, it’s not a question of if the arm will start shorting out, but when. Obviously, it will happen at an interesting plot time, but I don’t see it happening now, because, in general, some male-on-male intimacy is one of the main things we want to see represented. Sure it can be interrupted for plot reasons, but not for deus ex brachium silliness.

    And the more I think about it, I don’t think the time displacement is the reason why Mitch’s arm spouts blue flames. The Sphere was almost certainly not created to have this sort of effect on anyone who used it. That would make the Sphere an extraordinarily flawed tool.

    And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Mitch was also tagged on the arm during the battle in the graveyard. Maybe the time displacement is making things worse, but I don’t think it’s the cause. I think that wound is. And I think there’s a very real chance that when Mitch returns to his proper time, he might still be in danger from his condition.

  9. Spooky staring at dat bod in panel 4!! cuuuteeEEEEEEE
    and their faces in the last panel yells in fujoshi
    anyway. that one “oh my god it’s happening” meme from The Office is my brain on this page
    (and in the background, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop…)

  10. Some very interesting analysis there, David. I dig it. :slight_smile:

    What could possibly go wrong, Julia?

  11. Avatar for Klaus Klaus says:

    On the other hand, the Sphere was damaged. Was it even intended to be used for time travel at all?

  12. That’s a very good point, Klaus. :slight_smile:

  13. Avatar for dswxyz dswxyz says:

    Possibly not. If I remember correctly, when it was originally mentioned, it was useful as a stars-are-right substitute. That is, instead of needing to wait for the actual stars to be in the required alignments for one’s magical ritual, one can use the Sphere instead, presumably by projecting the desired star arrangement around the magic user? (Which makes me wonder if a decent computer simulation could work just as well.)

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