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The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter One—Page 72

The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter One—Page 72 published on 59 Comments on The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter One—Page 72


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The Young Protectors continues with Chapter One of Fallen here.

(Read below for more about that, but basically you’ll get to see exactly what happened to Cory, before we return right here in a few weeks for Chapter Two of Double-Cross. The patron-only Sneak Preview of that page is already posted, and the fully colored page will be posted for everyone to read at our usual time on Tuesday night next week!)

Join me and your fellow readers for my second-ever livestream!

I’m hosting my second-ever Q&A Livestream for Patrons on Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 11:00 AM PDT. You’ll be able to ask me questions and interact with your fellow readers directly. (And you can even create questions in advance that you and your fellow readers will vote on for me to answer first!)

The first one in February was a ton of fun. And you already know how awesome our community is. You won’t want to miss it!


The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. And we had a bunch of new folks sign up over the last few days! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

Elijah, James, Kelli B., Devon K., and Norma Q.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Elijah, James, Kelli, Devon, and Norma!

And let’s also please thank totally awesome readers who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

William C.

(Thank you so much, William!)

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!

(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)


So! Flyboy is devastated because he could not save his friend and mentor, Spooky Jones, who he just saw get stabbed by an evil (and undead) magic user. But it seems like he managed to save somebody, and that somebody looks a lot like Spooky Jones! What is going on here?!

We’re going to find out in Chapter Two!

Special Announcement

But first, Adam has requested a few weeks off, so in the meantime, I’m going to be posting the first scene from another comic I’m working on with guest line artist, Gabriel Mayorga. You’ll be able to read more about it on the first page of that comic, but the scene I’m posting is ten pages long, the arc is called Fallen, and it shows you exactly what happened to Cory. (And then, after I post those ten pages, I’ll post the first page of Chapter Two of Double-Cross, right here!)

Curious what happened to Cory? Here’s the link to the first page of Fallen which will go live for everyone to read on Tuesday, October 15th at our usual time.

And this is the special Most Current Page code link for $5+ Patrons (it will take you to the Sneak Preview Page):

For everyone else, this is the link you should use:;s:1:%222%22;s:6:%22offset%22;s:1:%221%22;%7D

Hope to see you there! 😀

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Comments From The Young Protectors Community

  1. … OK scrap time travelling or teleportation… this might be a different dimension :scream:

  2. Avatar for Gary Gary says:

    This story is taking more twists and turns than republican sidestepping! Loving it.

  3. uh, buh, buh, buh, but. . . Wait a hair brained minute!

  4. Avatar for Nate Nate says:

    Aw… cute widdle Spooky!

  5. I wondered why in the first fly-over of the abandoned church that Spooky made mention he was there before, naming the town specifically…
    Now we know why. It all fits. The adventure unfolds with fore-shadowing.
    Chapter 1, page 15 - Spooky says that he lost two weeks, and that was the only time he’s ever had a memory loss other than the first 13 years of his life. . .

    TYP Community page link: The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter One—Page 15

    YAOI911 page link:

  6. Definitely on the table. :slight_smile:

    Glad you’re enjoying the story, Gary. I definitely like to push my imagination when it comes to what’s possible in these stories. Make me happy to hear that’s fun for folks.

    What do you think is going on, William?

    I love how Adam drew him. He is definitely adorable here.

    Yes. Maybe it’s a bit risky to have such a long Chapter One before we (literally) go through the First Gate into Act Two, but that’s just how this story wanted to be told. Everything fits. That’s super-important to me, especially with this kind of story. When you get to the end, everything that happens will have happened for a reason that makes sense with what has come before.

  7. I enjoy a story where something like this happens. Consider “The Sixth Sense” which has a stunning reveal to its mystery, or Albee’s “Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe” which after all is said and done reveals a heartbreaking truth, or “The Usual Suspects” which is deliciously fun as the story ends. A long setup doesn’t bother me. I’m patient that way.

    PS. I saw the new Preview page pop up this afternoon for a few seconds and have been bouncing around in gleeful anticipation.

  8. I like those stories quite a bit as well. (And Albee has a special place in my heart. Back when I entered the Young Playwright’s festival as a kid, one of the reviewers compared my work to his, and so I really got into him.)

    I’m glad to hear it. Fallen is an arc I’m really excited about. I can do lots of fun things with it. :smiley:

  9. Avatar for dswxyz dswxyz says:

    I can’t help but wonder that if Mitch mentions the names of both Anaado and the Sphere Celestiale, will this Spooky decide to try to save Anaado? Or could we get some bizarre double-pronged attack on Velliok with two Spookies to the rescue? I wonder how one would coordinate such a thing.

    I don’t have much to speculate on Cory and Fallen yet, except that dinosaurs ought to predate even the Platinum Priestess’s time. Still, I can’t imagine a time travel story where Cory doesn’t meet anyone, so I’m trying to think who he might meet. No obvious candidate comes to mind, but let’s hope he’s easy on the eyes, whoever he is. Maybe he’ll meet other Corys from other timelines? That could be very fun.

  10. “Dude” and not Mitch? This version of Spooky might not know Mitch yet if he’s younger (which he looks) or alternate dimension Spooky.

  11. So it’s… Spooky, but not. Slightly different face, definitely a different hat, and what’s up with that camera? aarrrfgh i wanna know what happened!! i mean, i’m excited to see what’s going on with Cory too, but the wait will be hard ;_;

  12. Good catch, Harrower! :slight_smile:


    First page of Chapter 2 will be posted as soon as the 10-page Fallen teaser has completed. So—just a little over a month? Glad you’re eager to find out what’s next, but hopefully, Cory will be able to keep you entertained during the wait!:slight_smile:

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