Gosh, could Mitch be any more adorable than in that 4th Panel?
I’d like to send a thank you out to our Patreon supporters! We’re now back over $6,200/month (at $6,213!) which puts us at just $287 away from unlocking that beautiful, fully nude pin-up of Kyle and Anaado from Travis Moore.
In particular, please let me extend a warm thank you to our Leaderboard of Awesome members. These are Patrons who have pledged at the $25 or higher level, and I want to give each of them a personal high-five!
And it’s also my great pleasure to send out a very special Patreon anniversary thank you to those who have been supporting our work consistently.
First for Patrons who have been supporting for the last 12 months as of this week (Feb 24 – Mar 2):
Windy H., Meghan L., Rory P., and Michael V.
(Y’all rock!)
And also a big thank you for Patrons who have been supporting for 24 months of this week (Feb 24 – Mar 2):
Edmund K., and Jeff S.
(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Edmund & Jeff! And extra big howdy to you, Edmund!)
An epic thank you as well as for a Patron who has been supporting for 36 months of this week (Feb 24 – Mar 2):
Lauren P.
(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Lauren!)
And finally, it’s my great pleasure to send an extra huge thank you to those Patrons who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!
Here are the Patrons who have been supporting me and this comic for 48 months (4 years!) as of this week (Feb 24 – Mar 2):
B, T, Janie, Samantha, SleepingD, Takeshi, Pedro A., James B., John C., Cody H., Christine K., Fred K., Rene M., Salvador M., Ailene N., Mario N., David S., Luce S., Chuck T., and Jacob T.
(AWESOME SAUCE, y’all! Thank you so much for sticking with me so long! I’m deeply grateful to each and every one of you! Happy Anniversary!)
Thank you all so, so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that makes Patreon so helpful to creators, and is so essential to my ability to continue making this comic! You all are superheroes!
(Want to make sure this comic continues? Would you like to have access to special benefits like extra-sexy pages and behind-the-scenes scripts and art? Please take a look at my Patreon page and consider supporting this comic through Patreon!)
So! Kanya believes this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Will the ExSec agents also want to be her friends? And, if not, will Kanya and Spooky always have Paris?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there!
Talk about this page right now at the Young Protectors Community