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The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 64

The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 64 published on 105 Comments

Hold on a minute. What the MacGuffin are you two talking about?

Howdy everyone! So here it is! Our last page of 2018!

Thank you all so much for joining me, Adam, Vero and all The Young Protectors heroes and villains over the last year. You’re the reason we put in the hard work of getting these stories out there. And it’s a huge pleasure to read your thoughts and reactions in the comments and to hear them in person. 🙂 We’ve got even more fun things in store for 2019. And I can’t wait to hear what y’all think as we check in with some heroes (and at least one villain!) we haven’t seen for a while!

Thank you also to our Patrons who make publishing this comic possible!

I’d like to send out a very special thank you and welcome to our new Patrons this week!

R J., Sean M., Nicolas T., and Mike W.

And I’d also like to thank the totally awesome folks who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

Sean M.

(Thank you so much, Sean!)

And of course, this comic wouldn’t be here at all if it weren’t for the continual support of our our amazing Patrons who are currently supporting. So, it’s my great pleasure to send out a very special Patreon anniversary thank you to those who have been my Patrons for 12 months or more as of this week (Dec 23 – Dec 29)!

Patrons for 12 months as of this week (Dec 23 – Dec 29):

Robert D., T’Christopher G., Benjamin N., and James S.

(Y’all rock!)

Patrons for 24 months as of this week (Dec 23 – Dec 29):

Gmark C. and iphenox

(Thank you so much, Gmark and iphenox!)

Thank you all so, so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that makes Patreon so helpful to creators, and is so essential to my ability to continue making this comic! You all are superheroes!

So! What is this “Sphere Celestial” thingy? Can it really be used with Kyle’s power to get to Anaado? Where can Spooky find it? And will Kyle actually be willing to send his buddy back to Hell?

Tune in next Wednesday, at our regular scheduled time, to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

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