For those of you who use Comixology, they let me know that The Young Protectors: Volume One has been included in Comixology’s “Indie Super-Hero Sale” that runs until Monday, October 1st. Looks like they are offering a 33% discount, which is pretty darn good. If you haven’t picked up your copy yet (or want to give Comixology a try), you can grab a copy of The Young Protectors: Volume One here.
So! Spooky isn’t liking the answers Anaado is giving. In fact, I think he just called his old bestie a liar! Is Spooky justified in his doubts? What can Anaado say to to allay those fears? And why is Spooky’s doubting face in Panel 2 just so gosh darn adorable?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there!
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