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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Truth or Dare—Page 12

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Truth or Dare—Page 12 published on 342 Comments

Then what is the secret, my young friend?

I have some site news! For almost two years now, SofiaT has been helping me out (along with Admiral Jane) as one of the two awesome moderators in the Comments Section of this site. The mods take a huge chunk of work off my plate which allows me to focus on the writing and art, and Sofia has done amazing work helping folks out in our forum and helping to maintain the tone of respect that makes our Comments Section what it is. And she’s just had an amazing opportunity come up with her job, one that I’m super-excited for her about, but also one that is much more demanding of her time, so it will mean that she will have to lay down her mod duties here on the site. I’m sorry that she’ll have to step down from the mod role, but I’m delighted that it’s for such a happy reason. And she has let me know that she will still continue to be a good presence in the comments here. 🙂

I want to extend my deepest thanks to her for everything she has done—it really has been a lifesaver for me. Please join me as I wish her great luck with the new position!

It’s also my pleasure to announce that I have asked commenter DanishWolf if she’d be willing to step into the vacant co-moderator role and she has agreed. Danish has been a long-time contributor to our Comments Section and has had experience moderating forums before. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to her new role here on this site and my thanks for helping us out!

In other news, Patrons have already unlocked the Full Monty Tsunami-over-white pin-up over at the Patreon Page and we’re now less than $60/month away from also unlocking an alternate version with a full-color background!

Here is what Patrons who have seen the Full Monty Tsunami painted by Marccus have had to say so far:

“I really like this! The confidence is really nice! I, too am a fan of his chest, and ya know what other part I really like? I, for whatever reason, am very fond of that little bit of “side-butt” that we get to see! This is very well done! My hats off to you, Marccus!”

“Tsu-Tsu’s chest is my fave of this art piece. Marccus has done an awesome job making those tattoos look their best on a well toned chest. It is H.O.T.
Marccus really knocked it out of the ballpark!”

“This is a masterpiece. Marcus has made Tsunami into something Michelangelo would have been proud of. The facial expression, the stance, all of the musculature, as I said a Masterpiece.”


If you become a Patron now and pledge $5 or more, you’ll be able to download the whole image as a digital wallpaper right away. And $10+ Patrons will be sent a high-res version with over double the resolution, once payments are processed at the beginning of June!

And, because I got a couple emails from folks who said they misunderstood that $10+ Patrons were going to get high-res files of The Annihilator pin-up last month,I’ll also be including high-res files of the Full Monty Annihilator as well for $10+ Patrons, both with and without background, just for this month as well.

The Annihilator Full Monty Pin-Up by Rum-Locker
The Annihilator Full Monty Pin-Up by Rum-Locker

Over 1100 of you have already become Patrons in the last few months. There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron, and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits!),

please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron.

So! Flyboy has a secret! Something he needs to get off his chest! I wonder what it might be? And I wonDer if there are any other fOlks out there who would liKe to know more about thIs young hero?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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