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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Interlude One—Page 2

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Interlude One—Page 2 published on 130 Comments

Huh! I wonder why there aren’t any girls… Weird…

Y’all gave us the week off from bonus pages (and me a little time to recover from the awesome experience I had at WonderCon—so great to see so many of you!) and then bam! We hit the bonus target again on Thursday. (So that means we’ll be having a bonus page on Wednesday, April 10th!) And look below: we’re already at $129 towards the next bonus page!

Special thanks go out to long-time supporters Alyssa T. (who makes their second generous donation to The Young Protectors!), Darieck S. & Kimberly K. (both making their third generous donations to The Young Protectors!), Tony C., Florine J. & Leah B. (all three making their fourth generous donations to The Young Protectors!), Biz F., Hannah M. & Kinzie K. (all three making their seventh generous donations to The Young Protectors! [that’s gotta be lucky!]), Sola B. (who makes their twelfth generous donation to The Young Protectors!), Lisa G. (who makes their twentieth [woot!] generous donation to The Young Protectors!) & Saxon B. (who makes their twenty-seventh [!!!] generous donation to The Young Protectors!) and a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporters Rosalind H. & Audrey B. for their generous donations over the last few days!

Big hugs go out to long-time friends Lisa G., Adriane L. & Robert B. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes Robert’s ninth, Adriane’s eighteenth and Lisa’s twentieth (woo hoo!) super-generous donations to this comic!

And ZOMG, deeply humbled, deeply grateful and bowled-over hugs go out to new mega-friend of The Young Protectors Nicolas F. who put us over the top for next week’s bonus page with their stunningly generous $100 donation and also to new mega-friend Benoit P. who immediately after got the ball rolling for the next bonus page with their stunningly generous $100 donation! Thank you so, so much, Nicolas and Benoit! You are ROCK STARS!

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! To have the chance to meet so many of you over the weekend and hear how much you’ve been enjoying this comic was a huge morale boost! You all put me over the moon with happiness! 😀

So! Clicking that thumbnail seemed to provoke a big reaction. Do you think we’re going to get to see what they’re seeing?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! Edit 4/6/13 8:16 AM: Holy cow! That was fast! You’ve yet again hit the donation target, so that means that in addition to the bonus page this Wednesday (page 3!) and the regular update next Saturday (page 4!), there will be yet another bonus update on Wednesday, 4/17 (page 5!)! You all ROCK OUR WORLD! Thank you very much for your awesome support! 😀

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