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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 4—Page 73

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 4—Page 73 published on 187 Comments

Well, that doesn’t sound good…

Over on the Patreon Page, I’m continuing our monthly Flashback Fridays, where $5+ backers will be sent a previously posted reward, and $10+ backers will be sent a high-res version of that reward (with over double the resolution) on the 10th of the following month. This month, it was a lovely pin-up featuring the villains of The Young Protectors, The Annihilator and The Platinum Priestess.

Here’s a preview of that:


$5+ Patrons get to download the full image immediately. $10+ backers will be sent a high-res version of that reward (with over double the resolution) on the 10th of October.

There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron (you can see them all here along with an explanation of what the heck Patreon is), and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits),

please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron.

So! Spooky feels like he is drowning in souls. And Commander thinks his mind is ripping apart. Will he be OK? Will those souls be OK?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

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