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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter Three—Page 119

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter Three—Page 119 published on 302 Comments

I hate to see you fall, Kyle, but I love to watch you land…

Thank you to everyone who is supporting my Patreon campaign. We’re now close to $7100/month which is just awesome. And I should have some new Milestone Goal rewards coming up for Patreon backers soon, including a new Spooky short story.

If you become a Patron now and choose to receive the Special Digital Rewards, you will be able to download wallpaper versions of the Full Monty Annihilator Pin-Ups as well the Sexy Height Chart which shows the male members of the team. You’ll also be able enjoy all the other rewards so far posted, including the “How Spooky Got His Cap” and “What Is It Like To Kiss Spooky?” short stories that folks have liked so much. This is in addition to special back-stage access to script pages, thumbnail pages and penciled pages for all new updates. And, of course, Patrons who chose to get the Special Digital Rewards (which is the vast majority) continue to receive Digital Kickstarter Rewards every Wednesday and get to see special Sneak Previews on Sunday.

950 of you have already become Patrons in the last ten weeks. There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron, and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits!),
please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron. 🙂

I want to send out my warmest thank yous out to all the new Patrons who have joined in the last few days. As you can see in the comments below, a bunch more folks have had a blue, silver, or gold YP badge added to their Disqus avatars, which means they are a Patron. If you see one of these folks, please join me in extending my thanks for directly supporting the making of this comic! And please also send out a special thanks to those exceptionally generous backers who are on the Leaderboard of Awesome page. You all ROCK!

So! It looks like the team is now completely at The Annihilator and The Platinum Priestess’s mercy. What will the super-villains do now?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you then! 🙂

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