Well, now. That’s one way to deal with it.
(Oh, and I have to say I loved the awesome discussion y’all had on the last page about Tsunami’s and Flyboy’s actions. Really thoughtful and engaging. Lots of fun for me to read!)
This week, over at the Patreon Page, we hit another Milestone Goal. That meant we unlocked the background for the Full Monty Tsunami Pin-up!
Folks who pledge $5 or more will be able to download a digital wallpaper version of the full, fully nude image. It’s gorgeous. And since this got unlocked before the end of last month and also before I could make an announcement here about hitting the Milestone Goal, I’ll add the high-res file for the Full Monty Tsunami Pin-up with Background, just for this month, to the any other high-res files I send out to $10+ backers at the end of this month. These high-res files I send out to $10+ backers have double the resolution of the digital wallpapers and, since they don’t have to conform to mobile phone shape, often include more art on the sides.
Over 1130 of you have already become Patrons in the last few months. There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron, and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits!),
please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron.
So! Tsunami’s got a plan to keep Mitch and others from harm, but Commander doesn’t seem too pleased with that idea. Will Tsunami be able to convince her? Should he?
Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there!
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