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The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter Three—Page 52

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter Three—Page 52 published on 333 Comments


I’d like to take this moment to direct your attention to a Con that I’m a guest at — Nijicon in Pennsylvania! It’s taking place on October 18th and 19th so there’s still time to get a ticket and make travel plans. And it looks like it’s going to be a blast. If you’re in that part of the world and you’d like to get a chance to meet me and have lots of fun with other cool folks who are into stories with LGBT heroes, you should totally come! I’d love to see you there! 😀

We had our fifty-seventh bonus page in a row on Wednesday and then y’all just blasted past the target on the donation bar below! That means that thanks to your generous donations, and in addition to our regular Saturday updates, there will also be bonus pages on Wednesday, August 20th (page 53!), Wednesday, August, 27th (page 55!), Wednesday, September 3rd (page 57!), Wednesday, September 10th (page 59!), Wednesday, September 17th (page 61!), Wednesday, September 24th (page 63!), and there will now be an additional bonus page (page 65!) on Wednesday, October 1st! You are ROCK SO MUCH!

Special thanks go out to long-time supporter Saxon B. (who makes their 105th (!) generous donation to The Young Protectors!) and a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporter Antonia S. for their generous donations over the last few days!

Big hugs go out to long-time friends of The Young Protectors Daniel N., Robert B., & Stephanie C. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes Stephanie’s thirty-sixth, Daniel’s thirty-seventh, & Robert’s eightieth (!!) super-generous donations to this comic!

Superhero-strength hugs go out to long-time super-friend Christopher M. for their amazingly generous $60 donation, their twenty-fifth (!!) amazingly generous donation to this comic!

And finally, ZOMG!, mondo wrap-around hugs and deeply grateful bows go out to long-time mega-friend Christopher D. for their stunningly generous $100 donation, their ninety-fourth stunningly generous donation to this comic! Thank you so, so much, Christopher!

Thank you all so much for your generous support!

So! We’re learning more stuff! We’ve learned that The Platinum Priestess thinks Spooky’s all sex-crazed boy and not enough magic man. We’ve learned that opportunities to summon Kings of Hell and all their friends to our world doesn’t seem to come around every day. And we’ve learned something about the nature of our world — or, at least, what it used to be. Will The Platinum Priestess be able to convince Duncan that their true and only motivation is to save the world as we know it?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

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