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The Young Protectors: Double Cross Chapter Four—Page 97

The Young Protectors: Double Cross Chapter Four—Page 97 published on 20 Comments on The Young Protectors: Double Cross Chapter Four—Page 97

Some long odds…

Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

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The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And we had 7 new folks sign up over this week! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

OM, Red2u2, Brian D., David F., Dominick G., Joel H. and Douglas S.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, OM, Red2u2, Brian, David, Dominick, Joel and Douglas! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!

(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)


So! Flyboy and Spooky have just painted a very grim picture! Amanda still thinks this might be doable, though. Maybe.

Is Amanda right? If not, what are their options? And will they even be able to find Shades before he finds them?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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Comments From The Young Protectors Community

  1. Avatar for Nate Nate says:

    I honestly have no idea what will happen next…

    …and I love it!

  2. Avatar for dswxyz dswxyz says:

    Well, at the very least, some extra good luck might help. Shame you guys don’t know anybody with luck based powers. Or do you?

  3. Avatar for Nate Nate says:

    That’d be a Fluke…

  4. back with another comment digest, hoo boy where did the time go?!

    P91 meanwhile i’ve forgotten this macgregor guy… pretty sure i’ve seen him before!

    P92: little miss??? exCUSE YOU mr. douchecanoe

    P93: love Amanda’s face in panel 2!!!)
    Also, I already knew this a few pages ago but there are… so many… people with guns all pointing. yikes.

    P94: panel 1: you darn tootin :[
    Panel 4: Amanda ain’t trusting that. none of them are.

    P95: The hat tip!!! also yeah i’m forgetting something major about Mac, huh.

    P96: squee at Panel 2 hmm, Spooks and Mitch presenting a united front against Amanda…
    P97: aaah, i forgot the shard was the findy thingy for the Demon King! Spooky’s right, he’d know, but yeah. How will they find the King…? I’m sure they’ll come up with something~

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